سه شنبه , ۷ اسفند ۱۴۰۳

Biography – sanaz seyed esfahani


Place and Dath of  Birth        : Tehran 5 December 1981

Soreh University – Art Faculty – BA Dramatic Literature (theater):  Year 2001 – 2005.


Publication of First poem in the name of Life in 2000- Abrar newspaper

Publication of 3 short stories in the prestigious literary magazine in Iran called Gholestaneh. The name  f stories were – Mondays, Story of slept sward, Grave

Attempting as Theatre director of a performance in a Student festival called Inverted Forest.

Started to work professionally as journalism from 2002 in Hamshaheri, Asia, Etemad Meli, Etemad newspapers in the cultural and art and cinema and theater sections. In these newspapers I mainly worked as part-time for interviewing the famous artists in different fields. Apaprt from the interview I worked as reporter writer for cultural events in which one of them was about the old family house of a writer called Sadegh Hedayat ((Father of novel writer of Iran).

Cooperation with the literary magazine called Gholestaneh , Naghsh Afrinan and bulletin actors Iranian Fajr International Theater Festival

My first story collection (complex cute) the Khojasteh publication did not get permission to publish .It contained ten stories with themes like, breaking the taboo, rape, AIDS, and adolescent curiosity, imagination and Surrealism environment.

The second book, (fantasy games), the publication of the Phoenix (Hila), with two long stories, which in 2010 entered the market. The main characteristic of this book was in using Persian language and to employ such terms in it.

The third book (Kish Mate) is a novel that is going to be published in a month, which is a novel that tells the delirious disorder in the disease itself.

– Cooperating with a network TV series for Ramadan, in the field of film script.

The four-part series narasion subterranean art for chanel four TV networks

Cooperation with the radio, the radio theater shows for two years. (Adapted from literature and writing).

One of actress in a play called  (chalk circle) Caucasian chalk circle adaptation of Bertolt Brecht, directed by Hamid Pourazari, 60 runs, In the Art Newspaper it was chosen as the largest event of Iran’s 2010 ‘s Show.

Performance of one of the authors (Hall Tehrani) with director of Mohamdam Yar Ahmady, which was performed in Germany.

Acting in different performance in which the main ones were crying an elegy for innocence, Aran Gallery with the Director of Hamid Pourazari

Consultant and playing in a performance called (apple), in East Gallery. Directed by Mona Zahed.

Head of Public Affairs play called  (Spring Snowman), Director by Naseh Kamkar Nov, Dec 2011

About to play in Midsummer Night’s Dream (adapted from Shakespeare), Director: Hamid Pourazari. Feb 2012

Final stage in publishing procedures for the opera book, Lost History, (work in research, interviews, reports, studies, photographs and CD.

Performance in the name of “Come break me now “ – member of the performing group and consultant of director (Ms Mona Zahed) 2011.

Writer of Radio play in the name of Story of a Photo in six part-2012.

Play in a movie called Root Canal. Director Ms Samira Eskandarfar-2012.

Author and researcher in experienced theatre section of a book called Ten Contemporary Artists. From Process to Play (Section of Chalky Circle) –a work by Mr Hamid Pour Azar(The biggest theatre event of the decade Iran in ten year)-2012.

Author of six-part theatre play “ Solidarity Suffered”. The story based of the life of conjointed twins (Laleh & Ladan). Director: Mr Ayoub Aghakhani-2011.

Author of radio plays: Diamond/Emerald/Dock/Hidden Night hat/Years and more than ten other radio play for Radio Theatre and Radio Tehran and also for Global network from 2009.

Winner for the best idea in yearly Radio Festival-2011.

The book, Sanaz seyed Esfahani , was published under the title of “Cute Complex” (2006) by Khujestan Publishing House. However, he published the story of the sword’s sword, the grave of the grave and several other stories in the literary monthly.

Second book, Halea-Phoenix, 2009, arrived with two long stories.

Third book, the short article titled “Kish, Mat”, was published by Afraz publishing house in 2011.

Fourth work was a research book and a series of talks that were titled Hassan Sarshar, whose opera and opera career was featured by H&S Mesia Publishing House in London. In this book Sanazdad Esfahani with such people as Professor Ahmad Pejman, Dr. Amir Ashraf Arianpour, Shahla Milani, Pari Samar, Pari Zanganeh, Professor Rashid Vatan Doust, Yarta Yaran, Professor Nusrat Karimi, Siamak Shaiqi, Houshang Golmakani, Mohammad Ali Keshavarz and Professor Shahin Farhat.

The fifth book is a talk about the Experimental theater, with a long and extensive dialogue about the show (The Gypsy Circle), which was chosen as the best show of the 1980s, by Hamid Pouraazari, the director of the show, in the series that works on Nowruz art (Nourooz e honar ).

The sixth book, Seyed Esfahani (Gandhi Street), is a collection of 13 stories that came from the Hawz-e –noghreh  publishing house with thirteen stories in 1394.

(Seventh book, Flamingo, was published by H & S Media in London.(2016)

Play in a (root canal ) as an actress a film by Samira eskandarfar.

(Play in (Teradmill ) a film by samira eskandarfar (2017)(Making a film (WhatsApp) (2017)The story of Elizabeth II, written by Sanaz seyed  Esfahani, appeared in the literary magazine kiristrebiyat. (2017 )

Participation in the Nidra Art – Art Exhibition Presentations at the Linda Farrell Paris (Photocallage Mix Mix), December 2017

Writer and director of (H2O) Adapted (An Enemy of the People) – Henrik Ibsen. (2017) café romance

Working at charsoo magazine ( theatre magazine) as liable adaptation playwritings .

(Artwork (study expo ) at sales gallery ( from where to where ) (2018 )

(eighth book : ( az kheiram bogzar ) published by akhtaran (2019)

( esm e in ketab Dettol nist ) publishes by ( houz e noghreh ) (2019)

درباره ساناز سید اصفهانی

متولد 14 . 9 . 1360 در تهران ، از سن پنج سالگی وارد هنرستان عالی موسیقی شد و بعد به مدرسه ی هنر و ادبیات ِ صدا و سیما رفت . ساز تخصصی او پیانو بود که به صلاحدید خانواده از ادامه ی تحصیل در این رشته به صورت تخصصی منصرف شد و وارد رشته ی ریاضی فیزیک شد و پیانو را در کنار درس با اساتید مجرب به صورت خصوصی فرا گرفت . او دارای مدرک انیمیشن کامپیوتری از مجتمع فنی تهران میباشد و همزمان با تحصیل و کار در این رشته وارد دانشگاه سوره ی تهران شد و در رشته ی تئاتر ، گرایش ادبیات دراماتیک تحصیل کرد . همزمان با ورود به دانشگاه شروع به همکاری با مطبوعات شد . او با روزنامه هایی چون همشهری ، همشهری مناطق ، اعتماد ، اعتماد ملی ، شرق ، تهران امروز ، فرهیختگان و ماهنامه ی ادبی گلستانه ، مجله ی نقش آفرینان ، ماهنامه ی رودکی و سینما- چشم ( روح سرگردان موزه سینما )، ماهنامه ی سیاسی فرهنگی دنیای قلم . . . همکاری کرده است .

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